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Thursday, March 26, 2020
Science Majors Can Earn A Degree In Biological Sciences
Science Majors Can Earn A Degree In Biological SciencesBiology majors in many universities are the ones responsible for developing new techniques and developing the modern day techniques of biology. There are hundreds of people who work on the advancement of scientific tools and techniques so as to move the field of biology into a new level.Biochemistry is the most well known branch of sciences dealing with living organisms. In this branch of science, studies have been made on the matter of how a living organism functions. From this branch of science, new medical techniques are developed and medicines are made.These courses are also applied in engineering to aid engineers in their day to day work. Those who are interested in this branch of science should enroll in it so as to develop useful tools and techniques for the betterment of human society. In addition, it is also to be taken up for admission in the university.The course offers theoretical instruction on scientific methodologi es and fundamental biology. The courses deal with research, conceptualization and data collection; production and processing of experimental data; data analysis; and testing of hypotheses.The course of this course also presents the significance of life forms in the natural world. There are various aspects that have to be considered before making a decision as to whether the life form is good or bad for mankind. It is this that makes it essential for every person to be able to determine the value of the life form before taking a stand.One thing that this course focus on is the development of techniques to find the commonalities among various living forms and to identify the mutations and diseases among them. It also deals with the use of genetic engineering for the betterment of the species.This course also prepares students for various areas such as clinical and health care professionals. It is mainly focused on the principles of human and medical science and the new innovations in medicine and pharmaceuticals. These courses not only offer practical experience, but also prepare students for becoming well rounded professionals.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Italian Words for Family How to Talk About Family Members in Italian
Italian Words for Family How to Talk About Family Members in Italian Sign up successful Review the helpful Italian phrases and words below, so youâll be able to hold a conversation about your family in Italian! How To Talk About the Family in Italian First, check out this slideshow to learn the various terms for the different members of your family. Notice that the article changes depending on the gender of the noun. Here are some additional words for the family in Italian that will come in handy: il marito (husband) la moglie (wife) il fidanzato (fiancé) la fidanzata (fiancée) il cognato (brother-in-law) la cognata (sister-in-law) il suocero (father-in-law) la suocera (mother-in-law) Did you know that in Italian, i parenti means relatives, and not parents? This false cognate is often misused by Italian beginners. The correct word for parents is: i genitori. And a more casual way to refer to your parents is i miei. Now that you know the words for family members in Italian, lets go over how to discuss your family in conversation. A common question when learning about someoneâs family is whoâs the oldest and whoâs the youngest. Below are some useful Italian phrases to correctly answer this question: maggiore or più grande (the oldest) minore or più piccolo (the youngest) di mezzo (the middle) If you ever need to describe your marital status, you can use the following terms: sposato/a (married) nubile (single) dicorziato/a (divorced) separato/a (separated) vedovo/a (widowed) SEE ALSO: How to Learn the Italian Alphabet Grammar Tips for Describing the Family in Italian When having a conversation about your family, there are some important grammar tips you must keep in mind. When referring to a single member of the family, dont use the definite article. For instance, tua sorella is correct, and la tua sorella is incorrect. If there is more than one member, you should use the definite article as you would normally. For example, le tue sorelle. This rule, however, becomes null if the single family member you are referring to is modified in some way (for example, with an adjective, a prefix, suffix, or if the possessive is loro). In these cases, use the definite article. Here are some examples: il mio caro cugino (cugino is modified by the adjective caro) la mia bisnonna (nonna is modified with the prefix â"bis) il mio fratellino (fratello is modified with the suffix -ino) la loro sorella (sorella is used with the possessive loro) In addition, when using terms such as mamma and papà , if you use the article (i.e. la mia mamma / il mio papa) it has a more affectionate meaning. If you use it without the article (mia mamma / mio papà ) it simply expresses the relationship as your mother or father. RELATED: 50 Interesting Facts About Italy Practice Using Italian Words for Family Members Now that you know several words for the family in Italian, you can practice by creating sentences using the vocabulary. See the example below to help get you started: La mia famiglia è molto grande. Mia madre ha sette fratelli, e ho molti cugini. Non ho sorelle, ma ho due fratelli minori. I miei genitori sono sposati da 1979. Adesso ho anche due cognate. Non ho ancora nipoti. This translates to: My family is very large. My mother has seven siblings, and I have lots of cousins. I donât have sisters, but I have two younger brothers. My parents have been married since 1979. Now I also have two sister-in-laws. I still donât have nephews or nieces. With these Italian phrases and words in your vocabulary, youll be well-equipped to describe your family in Italian. If you need more help, try working with an Italian tutor to improve your conversational skills! Post Author: Nadia B. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance. Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher
Phrasal Verbs with LOOK and their meanings - Intermediate Level English
Phrasal Verbs with LOOK and their meanings - Intermediate Level English Today we are going to continue learning common phrasal verbs with English. We have already looked at phrasal verbs with the verb TAKE. And we learnt 10 phrasal verbs with TAKE and their meanings. Today we are going to look at 10 phrasal verbs with LOOK and their meanings.Letâs review quickly what a phrasal verb is. Generally a phrasal verb consists of two parts. The first part being a verb, and the second is a preposition or an adverbial particle. A preposition or a particle are used to change the meaning of the verb so together as a phrase they introduce a completely different meaning. Our list of Phrasal Verbs with LOOK Look after. Look up. Look in. Look into. Look for. Look on. Look out. Look round. Look back. Look ahead. LOOK AFTER â" to be responsible for someone/something, to take care of someone/somethingMum was looking after me when I was sick.Donât worry, Iâll look after grocery shopping this week.LOOK UP â" to get better (about a situation)Things are starting to look up, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.2. to look for something (an address, etc) in a book, list, on the internetI looked up for this problem on the Internet and I didnt find anything.TO LOOK SOMETHING UP â" to search information about somethingI donât know what this words means, Iâll look it up in the dictionary.LOOK IN â" to make a very short visitIâll look in tomorrow on the way home.LOOK INTO â" to investigate somethingIâll into this issue, and Iâll give you an update tomorrow. Phrasal Verbs with Look - Infographic LOOK FOR â" to search for something, to hope to get somethingI am currently looking for a new job.LOOK ON â" to watch something inactively, not participatingAlways look on the bright side of life!LOOK OUT â" to be careful, to be alertLook out! Thereâs a car coming.LOOK ROUND1. to turn your headHe heard a voice behind him so he looked round but couldnât see anyone.2. to look for things for pleasure, for example in a shop, museumHe looked round the museum and then went to the café.LOOK BACK â" to think about the pastThereâs no point looking back â" you can never retrieve the past.LOOK AHEAD â" to think about the futureWhat do you want to do in the future? Look ahead.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
5 Tips from an Elite ACT Tutor
5 Tips from an Elite ACT Tutor ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog So you're getting ready to take the ACT! That's great! Good luck! Here are 5 tips to help you do your best on ACT exam day: Tip #1 Be confident, yet just a tiny bit paranoid. That slight edge of paranoia will help you not to underestimate the ACT. The ACT has 4 sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science, plus an optional written essay component. You've been studying English, math, reading, science, and writing for years and years, so you should be well prepared, right? Well, yes and no. Your background knowledge in each subject is very important and will help you on the test. However, the test makers will often try to lull you into a sense of false security. To do so, over the years the makers of the ACT have developed some rather slippery tricks to try to get you to make mistakes even on topics you're very familiar with. Which leads us to the next tip. Tip #2 Get very familiar with the test format well in advance of test day. Take a practice test. Take two! The more the better. As you take each practice test, you'll familiarize yourself more and more deeply with how the ACT approaches each of the 4 main sections. Work to find your personal best approach for each individual section. An approach that works well for one section may be disaster for another. For instance, you may find that reading the passage before the questions works very well for the Reading section, but slows you down way too much in the Science section. Each section has its own quirks, its own set of common traps and misdirections that try to lead you astray from the right answers, bog you down in unnecessary work, and slow you down. Learn how to spot these common pitfalls and avoid them, and your accuracy rate and pacing should improve substantially. Tip #3 Get to know your calculator and its abilities. The makers of the ACT state that the problems on the Math section can be solved without a calculator. That's true, but remember that many of the problems can be solved much more easily with a calculator, especially a graphing calculator. Make sure that your calculator is a model approved for use on the ACT and that it has fresh batteries. Keep in mind that part of knowing the abilities of your calculator is being able to recognize when it is not the fastest means of finding a solution. Sometimes a quick sketch or simple process of elimination can get you to the right answer faster. Tip #4 Learn how to conserve your energy. When you take the ACT, you'll be at the test center more than 4 hours, including breaks. Don't do more than necessary to answer each question. Lots of practice will enable you to tune out distractions and unimportant information so that you can focus on the material that's most relevant. If you're working on a math problem, remember that you don't have to show every step of your work like you would in school. When practicing for English, try to streamline and simplify the rules of grammar and punctuation so that you can apply them quickly and directly. Tip #5 Use all of the resources available to you. Practice ACT questions and tests are available at the official ACT website. To get even more practice and preparation, there are many other resources available. Schools often provide practice materials. You can search at your local library or bookstore, or online, to find books, flashcards, software, and apps for additional ACT practice. Another important resource you may want to use is a tutor. Individualized, one-to-one tutoring can help you approach your full potential on the ACT. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});
Happy Holidays and a Successful School Year 2015!
Happy Holidays and a Successful School Year 2015! Joy Joy Joy! TutorZ delivers the warmest wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and a successful start of the 2015 school year to all of our tutors, teachers, instructors, parents and students. We are sincerely delighted to have you as our customers. We are wishing you a holiday season filled with peace and joy. May bright ideas and new insights greet you each day of the new year. We also hope that your beautiful wishes for 2015 come true and you achieve your educational targets. If we can help you to reach your goal come back in 2015 to get more tutoring at TutorZ. Happy holidays and lots of reasons to smile!
italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos!
italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos! So, first of all we would like to thank everyone of you who have joined italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Whatever your reasons of learning languages, we hope that by doing this challenge you will have a consistent language learning habit throughout 2015! Here are some of the best videos that we received for this challenge: Josie from England/Sweden, and is part of our service team completed italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge I want to take this challenge because it will push me to actually study and to be persistent. I get very frustrated that I cannot communicate with the locals, and so taking part in this challenge will help me overcome that barrier. Her goal is to be able to talk with the Chinese person in the office about their interest and hobbies Here is the public video pledge that she made before the challenge And here is the video after challenge Søren a.k.a. Koko The Polyglot from United States successfully completed the challenge: He took German and Catalan for this time! Soren is an awesome language learner as you can see how he improved during the short period of time, and this is also his third time joining italkis language challenge! Below is the video of how he improved his German and Catalan! Soren posted a public video pledge when he began the challenge Sorens after the challenge video Cassie from Australia has successfully completed italkis New Years Language Challenge She took French for 23 hours during the last 6 weeks! Cassie actually have learned French for 12 months as an exchange students. However, she didnt get much experience to speak the language. She posted her public video pledge before she started the challenge Cassies awesome improvement video after 6 weeks and 23 hours of French Benjamin Bruce from United States has successfully completed the 2015 italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge He took Korean lesson for the last 6 weeks Since his place is almost like a Korean town, as a language enthusiast learning Korean is one of his goal. But, for this challenge he set a higher bar, not only for the basic of the language, but also being able to understand and to have a casual conversation in Korean A public video pledge that Benjamin posted before he started the challange Below is the result after 6 weeks of Korean Helga Gvovdeva From Russia completed the italkis 2015 New Years Language Challange She committed to take at least 3 courses per week. Moreover, she also took classes for Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Even greater, she didnt even know anything for Japanese! Below is her public video pledge before the challenge Below is after the challenge She said that after the challenge she felt much more confident, and in her opinion she should not be afraid to make mistakes. We are totally agree that mistakes are something that everybody make. So, nothing to be afraid of! Janey from Thailand completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge After the challenge we saw how she really did improve her fluency in speaking Spanish and she looked more confident in speaking Spanish after the challenge Alex Chen from United States Successfully completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge He committed to learn Japanese, Chinese and Korean in 20 hours time. and below is his video after the challenge We really hope that after the challenge, you will keep learning language and keep the good habit. We also hope that this might inspire other people in learning languages! Anne Haggerson from Spain has completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge Anne is taking Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish, her goal to be able to speak and have a conversation in social issues, etc below is her public video pledge Below is her progress after the challenge she learnt lots of things from the teachers as she is also an English teacher. We really do hope that after the challenge you will not stop learning languages. We hope that this challenge may become a good trigger for you to keep learning throughout the year! italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos! So, first of all we would like to thank everyone of you who have joined italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Whatever your reasons of learning languages, we hope that by doing this challenge you will have a consistent language learning habit throughout 2015! Here are some of the best videos that we received for this challenge: Josie from England/Sweden, and is part of our service team completed italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge I want to take this challenge because it will push me to actually study and to be persistent. I get very frustrated that I cannot communicate with the locals, and so taking part in this challenge will help me overcome that barrier. Her goal is to be able to talk with the Chinese person in the office about their interest and hobbies Here is the public video pledge that she made before the challenge And here is the video after challenge Søren a.k.a. Koko The Polyglot from United States successfully completed the challenge: He took German and Catalan for this time! Soren is an awesome language learner as you can see how he improved during the short period of time, and this is also his third time joining italkis language challenge! Below is the video of how he improved his German and Catalan! Soren posted a public video pledge when he began the challenge Sorens after the challenge video Cassie from Australia has successfully completed italkis New Years Language Challenge She took French for 23 hours during the last 6 weeks! Cassie actually have learned French for 12 months as an exchange students. However, she didnt get much experience to speak the language. She posted her public video pledge before she started the challenge Cassies awesome improvement video after 6 weeks and 23 hours of French Benjamin Bruce from United States has successfully completed the 2015 italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge He took Korean lesson for the last 6 weeks Since his place is almost like a Korean town, as a language enthusiast learning Korean is one of his goal. But, for this challenge he set a higher bar, not only for the basic of the language, but also being able to understand and to have a casual conversation in Korean A public video pledge that Benjamin posted before he started the challange Below is the result after 6 weeks of Korean Helga Gvovdeva From Russia completed the italkis 2015 New Years Language Challange She committed to take at least 3 courses per week. Moreover, she also took classes for Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Even greater, she didnt even know anything for Japanese! Below is her public video pledge before the challenge Below is after the challenge She said that after the challenge she felt much more confident, and in her opinion she should not be afraid to make mistakes. We are totally agree that mistakes are something that everybody make. So, nothing to be afraid of! Janey from Thailand completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge After the challenge we saw how she really did improve her fluency in speaking Spanish and she looked more confident in speaking Spanish after the challenge Alex Chen from United States Successfully completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge He committed to learn Japanese, Chinese and Korean in 20 hours time. and below is his video after the challenge We really hope that after the challenge, you will keep learning language and keep the good habit. We also hope that this might inspire other people in learning languages! Anne Haggerson from Spain has completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge Anne is taking Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish, her goal to be able to speak and have a conversation in social issues, etc below is her public video pledge Below is her progress after the challenge she learnt lots of things from the teachers as she is also an English teacher. We really do hope that after the challenge you will not stop learning languages. We hope that this challenge may become a good trigger for you to keep learning throughout the year!
?? Top Tips to Steer Clear from Drum Related Hand Pain
?? Top Tips to Steer Clear from Drum Related Hand Pain Top Tips to Steer Clear from Drum Related Hand Pain Most drummers, who are true to the art of playing, know that drum related hand pain is imminent thelonger you play a set. It is quite frustrating, whether you play a lot or you are getting olderwhen the dreaded drum pains start to course through your hands.Your hands are essential when holding drumsticks andkeeping the rhythm going strong.Fortunately, there are ways to help with this pain, so you can rock out exactly how you like!There's no need to reach for the Ibuprofen.Consider these top tips to help you eliminate pain moving forward...#1â" Limit Your Phone UseAs phones take over our lives more and more every day, our bodies are starting to break down quicker than everbefore.Texting and swiping left and right is causing tendonitis and carpal tunnel in people that are waytoo young to exhibit these problems.Try spending less time on social media and more time honing your skillson the trap. Your hands will thank you in the long run.#2 â" Pick Some New SticksSome people stick with t he same sticks over time. However, as you get older, it helps to add new sticks to your repertoire.Thin sticks are big culprits for making human hands hurt. Sure, theymight be comfortable to use, but new, heavier sticks can help lessen the blow. Furthermore, limit youruse of slick lacquer drumsticks and use more matte finishes. Drumsticks with a matte finish allow forbetter grip instead of the traditional slick lacquer which can get slippery when the hands start to sweat.#3 â" Play With Gloves and TapeIf youâd rather stay with the same classic lacquer sticks, then consider using gloves to help with grip.Many of these gloves are breathable with great grip to help you hold sticks properly. Also, drum tape is areal thing, believe it or not. Drum tape works similarly to a hockey player who uses tape on his or herstick. Same can be said about using tape on drum sticks to help limit shock that reaches the hands.#4 â" Grip ChangesIf all has failed to this point, you may need to change your grip. Over time, bad habits can be createdand it can wreck your hands when drumming. Make sure to grab the drumsticks lightly and releasetension from any tight grips. Because hand muscles cramp over time, relaxing the hand is key to allowthe hand to work properly when drumming.#5 â" Consistent StretchingJust like before and after exercise, it is important to stretch, so the hands can be warmed up beforedrumming.Try as many stretches that involve the fingers to prime your drumming hands. Cross yourfingers together like you are praying, and stretch the arms out in front of you to limber up your handsfor drumming. Essential oils, like Cyprus, can help with circulation as you do your stretches. Just rub afew drops on your hands, and you will start to reap the benefits.#6 â" Hydration is KeyJust like with any sport, it is imperative to stay hydrated. The same can be said with drumming. Now,hydrating properly really only involves water. Stay away from beer and other alcoholic bever ages.Imagine lights on a stage to have the same potency as the sun shining on athletes. Staying hydrated willhelp you stay focused and energized throughout your drumming set.#7 â" Remember R.I.C.EThis is a common sports treatment, but it can also be used for a drummer with hand related pain.Next, you should ICE the hand that is throbbing in pain. Do not put ice directly on the hand,but wrap an ice pack in a towel and place it on the hand. Also, you can fill a bag with ice and wrap with apaper towel.Then, you should COMPRESS the ice to the hand. Leave the ice on the hand for a minimumof 5 minutes up to 10 minutes. That should be enough time to help your hand while limiting theswelling.Lastly, you should keep your hand that is hurting ELEVATED. This allows for blood flow to get tothe hand quicker, and your hand will feel better in no time.With just a few tips, there should be plenty of ways to try and solve your drum related pain. Rememberthat it is very important that you think abou t your health when drumming because your body needs to beat prime health, so you stay on beat and stay accurate during awesome fills. Good luck and to give yourhands some rest.Author bioMy name is Austin and I'm the founder of Consordini, a comprehensive music advice guide. I have a true passion for music, and have been playing the drums for the last 8 years (I now the dreaded drummers hand pain all too well!)
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